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I live in Washington. Should I relocate to Arizona?

Seattle's misty mornings hold a certain romanticism, but as a resident of Washington, you might be starting to crave sunshine and a different kind of adventure. Enter Arizona, where cacti and coffee shops are aplenty and canyons outshine skyscrapers. But is this sun-baked state the answer to your family's dreams? I'm a Cave Creek, AZ realtor and resident so, let's dive into the nitty-gritty, from financial sunshine to outdoor escapades, to help you decide: Washington or Arizona?

Cost of Living: Trading Rain for Savings

Let's face it, Seattle ain't cheap. The median home price is $897,200 (Numbeo, 2024). In the Phoenix area, it's almost half that at $406,500. And those aren't isolated numbers. Groceries, utilities, even that latte for the early morning school run – everything's lighter on your wallet in Arizona. Add that to a flat 2.5% income tax rate (compared to Washington's progressive system that peaks at 13.99%), and suddenly things might start looking pretty darned good.

Family Fun: You Might Not Miss the Rain

In Arizona, the playground is your backyard. From stepping out your door and enjoying nature walks to hiking towering red rock formations in Sedona you'll make memories your kids will brag about for years to come. And let's not forget the endless sunshine. Imagine birthday parties by the pool and winter evenings sitting outside by the fireplace.

Urban Cool vs. Desert Charm

While Seattle's urban energy is thrilling, sometimes you crave a little elbow room. Arizona offers an array of charming towns (like Cave Creek!) where families connect and community feels less like a rat race and more like a backyard barbecue. But don't worry about sacrificing top-notch schools. The Phoenix area boast excellent public and private options, ensuring your kids get the education they deserve. Our son is currently at a private Montessori school and I don't know what we would do with out it!

Lifestyle Trade-Offs: Espresso Culture vs. Cactus Cocktails

You might think you'll miss your coffee culture but Cave Creek has an amazing scene. From Janey's to the Grotto and even our own roastery, ROC2. You won't miss your caffeine creators with the amazing mom-and-pop shop, cocktail, and restaurant options we have around this town. Embrace the slower pace, the friendly smiles, and the feeling of belonging to a community instead of just surviving in a crowd.

The Ultimate Decision: Listen to Your Inner Compass

There's no one-size-fits-all answer. Washington's rainy beauty and urban vibrancy might still call to your soul. But if you're craving warmth, affordability, and outdoor adventures, Arizona's sun-kissed embrace might be just what your family needs. Ultimately, the decision is yours. Listen to your inner compass, weigh the trade-offs, and remember, happiness isn't just about location, it's about finding the place where your family can truly thrive.

If the time comes where you do decide you want to call Cave Creek or Arizona home, remember you've got a friendly real estate agent here to help you achieve your goals! You can contact me here!

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Madison Wetter

Your Cave Creek Realtor

I'm a proud local and real estate professional here to help you on your real estate journey.

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